LOGO DEsign & visual identity & naming
Logo is a fundamental part of every business. It’s not just about a good first impression, but a well-executed logo should represent the core values of the company. It serves for communication with clients but it’s also an identification.
Visual identity is a whole consistent way of presenting the brand. It is an important part, which should be considered when starting a business. Visual identity consists of brand guidelines, colors, fonts, patterns, layouts, iconography, etc. I will help you create an outstanding one.
Trademark registration apart from design, we can help you with the registration of the trademark to prevent third parties from using the same designation.
Naming The first word that people hear about your company or product is brand name. I can come up with an appropriate name for your product or company, which will reflect the main pillars for branding and successful operation in marketing communication.

packaging DEsign
Packaging design is the factor on which customers often make a decision whether to buy a product or not. I will create you attractive packaging design, which will sell the product.

web DEsign & development
Website plays a major role for most of the businesses nowadays. Proper website is a prerequisite for effective business, no matter what your business is. Custom websites engage more with potential and existing customers while outperforming the competition.

Print is another area in which I have experience. I can create posters, brochures, covers, you name it.